I am a data scientist working at Roche.
Besides my work, I use my skills to make data transparency accessible. I mainly use R to gather data and answer questions to provide insights and make informed decisions. I collaborate with several organizations R Foundation, R Consortium and Bioconductor, where I maintain some packages, CRAN, rOpenSci, rOpenSpain.
Previously, worked at the T-cell immunogenicity virus (TIV) group led by Christian Brander at IrsiCaixa and at the IBD group at IDIBAPS My academic research interests include data integration (my Ph.D. topic) and functional enrichment.
Outside programming I enjoy hiking, jumping rope, and diabolo as hobbies.
PhD in Biomedicnie (Bioinformatics), 2022
Universitat de Barcelona
MSc in Bioinformatics for Health Science, 2017
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
BSc in Biotechnology, 2015
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona