
The RSS feed

Future FOSS contributions

In this post I cover under which conditions I will contribute in open source.

New rtweet release: 2.0.0

This is a brief announcement of rtweet version 2.0.0. This major version changes signals the move from the API v1.1 to the API v2. There haven’t been many changes since 1.

Submissions accepted on the first try

First time successful submissions

Packaging R: repositories

In this post I want to collect some thoughts about R repositories. In R we have multiple repositories that store packages for users. In this post I want to write about the purpose, functionality, benefits and drawbacks of R repositories and how packages are managed.

BaseSet 0.9.0

I’m excited to provide a new release of BaseSet, the package implementing a a class and methods to work with (fuzzy) sets. This release was focused on making it easier to work with it.

CRAN maintained packages

Some analysis on the RCurl and XML dependencies.

experDesign: follow up

Explains the new updates of the experDesign 0.2.0 package

Releasing rtweet 1.2.0

News about rtweet 1.2.0 and its future.

rtweet future

How support for rtweet will continue going forward.

Accessing REDCap from R

Summarize packages related to REDCap