
Creating an RSS feed for r-bloggers for my blogdown

To avoid post with incorrect XML on full content you can limit the post served on the pages.

Reasons why packages are archived on CRAN

Most frequent reason is due to the package not fixed on time, followed by depending on packages archived and policy violation.

Bugs in R

Bug reports history review and common actions and patterns. People that contribute and how it might continue to go.

CRAN review

I’ve been doing some analysis on the review submissions of several projects of R. However, till recently I couldn’t analyze the CRAN submission. There was cransays’ package to check package submissions which on the online documentation provided a dashboard which updated each hour.

rOpenSci submissions

Comparing rOpenSci review process to the Bioconductor review process. Most important differences are external reviewers and build on external machines as well as a longer review time.

Bioconductor submissions: reviews

Looking in detail to Bioconductor sumbissions: interactions between bots, reviewers and the community.

Social activities on GitHub

Presenting the socialGH package to retrieve information from GitHub.

Bioconductor submissions

Exploring the submission process to Bioconductor. What happens, how long does it take, what are the common problems and solutions for new contributors.

R quarantine house

Checking quarantine environments

R weekly new editor

Checking who can be Rweekly.org editor with R