
R weekly new editor

Checking who can be Rweekly.org editor with R

CRAN dependencies

New policy in CRAN With the new policy of a maximum of 20 packages in Imports. Let’s see how many dependencies has each package on CRAN and Bioconductor:

Debugging only when needed

One of the worst thing I experienced is having a bug in a nested call of functions. If it is not simple the problems comes to isolate when and why does it occur.

Fast correlations

Correlations One of the few methods that are commonly done are correlations. I found several implementations of Pearson correlations, and I was curious to know if which is the fastest one.

Christmas tree

So it is Christmas and I want a tree. I found this new package experimental ggfx and I thought it would be nice to use it for the lights.

PII fines

From some time I’ve been following a company that uses data to explain some data. I want to use some of the data they published from Civio to see if I learn more about personal identifiable information fines.

Consumption of gasoline by our car

Analysis of the consumption of a family car over 4 years of refills

Tidy data and tidyverse

I am surprised how often two things get conflated in around the tidyverse. The tidy data principles is about having in each row a data point, where each variable has its own column.

NSE in base R

After some discussions on the internet (and some breaks I got in a pipe using tidyr) I’ll decided to try to emulate dplyr and other tidyr functions with base functions.

Forest fires in Mexico

Evolucion de los incendios forestales en México I saw a map on twitter and I wanted to see if I could change a bit and improve it: I wanted to make so that the fires change the size with time to appear and disappear instead of moving around Mexico.